Looking to join your Dalmatian owners/breeders/friends at shows or make new friends or enjoy some GREAT food? Come join the Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta for ALL of those things!
The Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta is a Non-Profit Regional Dalmatian Club that was created for Dalmatian Owners, Breeders, and Exhibitors.
Promote and further advance the breeding, care, and training of Dalmatian dogs. To promote and advance the dissemination of information concerning Dalmatian Dogs.
Option 1: Return this form and your payment by U.S. Mail to
Dr. Anita Tate, 3670 Hamby Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004
Make checks payable to the Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta
Option 2: Pay your dues via PayPal and either mail your renewal form to Dr. Anita Tate at the address above, or
scan your completed form and return it via email to Dr. Anita Tate at DrAnitaTate@gmail.com.
PayPal Instructions:
1. Send payment using the “Friends & Family” option in PayPal to DalClubGA@gmail.com
2. Enter dues amount plus $3.00* (There is a $3.00 fee for PayPal transactions, so please add $3.00 to
your total dues amount if you choose to pay via PayPal.)
3. Enter “2024 Dues” in the Comment Section.
2024 DCGA Membership Application (pdf)
DownloadCopyright © 2024 Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta - All Rights Reserved.
Website designed and maintained by TJB Consulting